Smart Home Water Flow Monitoring Devices: How They Save Water, the Planet, and Your Money

Do you know how much water your household consumes each year and where the water is used? Our last blog post on water consumption found that the average American family wastes 10,000 gallons of water a year. (Yikes, that is a lot of wasted water!) And while that number is alarming, it’s also valuable since we were able to find the statistic with the help of water monitoring technology. 

Water flow monitoring allows you to easily track your water spending. Once you know where and how water is consumed in your home, you can take power into your own hands and reduce your water bill. Keep reading to find out more about how water flow monitoring devices can help minimize your water usage and spending.


Why Monitor?

Peter Drucker once said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” We like to say, if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.

If you can’t measure your water consumption, knowing where and how to cut back on your usage can be difficult. Installing a water monitoring device is a quick and effective way to get accurate data about your household’s water consumption—it will even help you identify leaks before they inflict costly water damage on your home. Attaining actual, date-driven knowledge about your water consumption can empower you and make it much easier to take action (this blog can provide you with some ideas about lowering water consumption).

Which makes sense, right? The idea of monitoring something in order to create effective change doesn’t only pertain to water usage—it’s relevant to health and wellness efforts, too. In several studies, researchers found that consistent self-monitoring leads to improved outcomes in weight loss, physical activity, and more. The benefits of self-monitoring are scientifically proven. It works because when people are regularly aware of their actions and activities, they’re more likely to make a positive change.

Just like people who monitor their steps have the desire to reach a goal of 10,000 steps per day (or better), monitoring your water meter will motivate you to keep your water consumption on a budget and encourage you to conserve even more!

Why Continuously Monitor Water Usage? 

Water monitoring helps the planet by helping you save water, save money on utility bills, and avoid expensive water damage costs. Like most utility bills, the water bill arrives after you have already consumed it. Sometimes, in case of a leak, receiving a high water bill is a very unwelcome surprise. While water bills do provide an annual history, they don’t offer an answer to the following questions:

  •       When do I consume water? 
  •       Where do I consume water? 
  •       Do I have water leaks?
  •       Am I over consuming water? 

Installing a water monitoring device in your home will not only give you real-time information about your water consumption, but you’ll have a better understanding of where the water is being used and if there is overuse (e.g., a leak, broken sprinkler, or a reminder to take showers instead of baths). This can help you reduce your usage and lower your utility bill quickly and more effectively than waiting for it to arrive and guessing where you could scale back. With smart home water monitoring, you can create a loop of measuring, analyzing, and optimizing your water usage. 

Not only can a water monitor help you save money on your utility bill, but it can also help you avoid costly water damage repairs. Water consumption monitoring systems alert users about water leaks—some devices will even automatically shut off the water supply to prevent damage. By installing one of these devices, you can immediately become aware of leakages and stop them before they end up with thousands of dollars in cleanup and renovation costs.

Testimonial: “I’ve personally installed a water monitoring device and once I realized how much water was used outdoors (60%) it made me prioritize optimizing my irrigation system. Several weeks after having reduced my water consumption outdoors, I was suddenly alerted of a higher consumption again. These insights allowed me to intervene immediately, and the cause was a defective sprinkler nozzle.”


Water Monitoring Devices

All these water monitoring systems have apps to monitor water usage; they provide a full 360° view of your water consumption, including real-time data, historical trends, and notifications in case of leaks or overuse. But how do you know which device is right for you?

To help, MyEcoplace has selected 2 different water monitoring devices to suit everyone’s needs. You’ll find details on both systems listed below.

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The Moen Flo Smart Water Monitor and Automatic Shutoff Device provides detailed insights on your water consumption and automatically shuts off your water supply when it detects a leak (without anyone being physically present). This control feature could save you thousands of dollars in water charges and potential damages—a feature that’s particularly beneficial if your home is often empty (such as a vacation home). Depending on your DIY skills, you could install the device yourself. However, a professional plumber is a better choice for those less skilled and experienced with home improvement.


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The Flume Smart Home Water is probably the easiest solution to install. It consists of a battery powered sensor which must be placed on your water meter, and a bridge powered and connected to WIFI inside your house. 

Whatever device you choose, know that you’ll make a positive impact on the planet, have better knowledge about your water usage, and save money in the process. What’s not to love?


Rebate Options

While water monitoring devices can help save you thousands in the long run (and have a quick return on investment depending on how much you reduce your water consumption), their initial investment might seem costly. Luckily, many utility companies offer rebates on water monitoring systems! For example, residents of California can quickly check their rebate options at SoCal Water $mart. Additionally, insurance companies may pay or give you a discount when installing a leak detection device!

Take control of your water usage today with MyEcoPlace. We help households conserve water, save money, and provide sustainable access to water for all current and future generations.